• IBA Areas of action
    • StadtLand locations – the IBA in Thuringia

      Togehter with some 270 collaborators, the IBA Thüringen designs and develops projects in the urban and rural provinces of Thuringia. The theme of the IBA is StadtLand: the patchwork pattern of small-scale towns and villages found throughout much of Thuringia, and the potential and challenges that the diverse relationships between town and country bring with them. The IBA Thüringen aims to recast the province as a place of progressive innovation and an experimental laboratory for the future.

      The IBA projects and candidates are grouped according to their focus and goals under one of three key areas of action: BUILD: Modern Province; DEVELOP: Collective Responsebility; and, REUSE: Vacant Properties.

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    • Boxeintrag Internationale Konferenz

      4.- 6. Mai Internationale Konferenz

      Die Internationale Bauausstellung (IBA) Thüringen und das Deutsch-Chinesische Forschungsprojekt Urban Rural Assembly (URA) veranstalten gemeinsam die internationale Konferenz ›StadtLand - von Thüringen zu einer planetaren Perspektive‹.

      Sie findet anlässlich der Eröffnung der Ausstellung ›StadtLand - von Thüringen lernen‹ vom 4. bis 6. Mai 2023 im Eiermannbau in Apolda statt. Die internationale Konferenz spannt einen Denk- und Handlungsraum von der räumlichen Entwicklung in Thüringen und in vielen anderen Regionen weltweit bis zu Visionen und Strategien für zukunftsfähige Stadt-Land-Beziehungen auf. Die Konferenz findet auf deutsch und englisch statt und wird auch online übertragen.

  • Apolda, Eiermannbau
    • Open Factory eng.

      Open factory!

      The Eiermannbau in Apolda is an iconic work of modernist architecture. The IBA Thüringen is developing it into an Open Factory – a place for all kinds of people and activities. In 2021, the Open Factory concept will be expanded to provide space for small studios, large workshops and community spaces for long-term use. Its various exhibition areas and event spaces offer a range of exceptional settings for inspiring events.

      Want to know more, or have a tour of the building? Write to us at: kontakt@open-factory.de


      Die Open Factory bietet Gemeinschaft und Individualität gleichermaßen. Sie spricht vor allem solche Nutzerinnen und Nutzer an, die über ihr eigenes Unternehmen hinaus eine kreative Nachbarschaft suchen und aktiv daran mitwirken wollen.
  • International Building Exhibitions
    • International Building Exhibition

      International Building Exhibitions (IBA) are a special format of urban and regional development. They are hallmarks of national building and planning culture. For more than a century now, these experimental fields are bringing the current issues of planning and building into the focus of national and international discussion.

      IBA are constantly reinventing themselves, following no standardized format or procedure. While the first IBA broke new ground with their built architecture, International Building Exhibitions in their spatial dimension and social significance have changed considerably since then: Today, IBA are building culture exhibitions that, in addition to aesthetic and technological aspects, increasingly incorporate complex social, economic and ecological issues into their work.